Please join us for this Cold Creek community meeting this Thursday!
A Special Thank You to All who participated in our educational meetings and vegetation reduction activities this year. It was only with your interest and energy in protecting our community from wildfire that we are now recognized as a Firewise USA site. Aa a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Community, we will benefit from this recognition through grants, Agency support, as well as a safer place for us all to live.
Congratulations Cold Creek Canyon Community!
Be sure to clean your chimney at least once per year, and check your spark arrestor to make sure it isn't plugged up, as a blocked spark arrestor will cause a fire!
Check fire extinguishers. Have a dry hose for extinguishing fires (water left in hoses will freeze during winter). Have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen, garage, and near your woodstove.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) established in 1896 is a self-funded, non-profit association that created the Firewise USA outreach program to help protect people and property from wildfire risks. Benefits include sharing knowledge from experience and fire research on how to protect lives and communities.
The Community Wildfire Defense Program, or CWDG, is intended to help at-risk local communities and Tribes; plan for and reduce the risk of wildfire.
The program provides funding to communities for two primary purposes:
The Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program also helps communities in the wildland urban interface (WUI) implement the three goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy.